26 juin 2015
While Gaspar Noé's LOVE 3D was first rated "Forbidden to under 16" (or Restricted) by CNC (Centre national du cinéma et de l'image animée), Fleur Pellerin (Socialist Party), French Minister of Culture and Communication decided to screen again the movie clearly in order to change the rating by "Forbidden to under 18" (or NC-17). Fleur Pellerin used of her political power in order to satisfy French supporters of conservatism and puritanism, like the Association Promouvoir ("rediscovery of fundamental values for the family, the education and the teaching of Christian culture")
If the "Forbidden to under 18" (or NC-17) rating is confirmed, the screening of Gaspar Noé's LOVE in France could be strongly compromised.
France is definitely not the country of freedom of speech anymore.